Hello Everyone,
What an absolutely incredible first week it's been! Signs are up, ads and pamphlets are on the way, and very shortly we'll have some new office space to talk about. This campaign, like this party, are on the move and it's because of the contributions all of you have made.
Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs....Those of you in the area don't need to be told that signs are up and very visible throughout the riding. George, Elmo, Ian and Leo worked especially hard all week and it's made a huge impact. I'm already getting lots of great feedback and we are, to date, the only party with sign presence in the area. It shows that we're serious and on top of our game.
Beyond the road signs, I still have many "Jack Layton and the New Brunswick Team" Window signs, available in both languages. Please contact me if you can use them and get them displayed in a public window somewhere.
These Boots are made for Walking....The canvas team is firing up it's cylinders, and Canvass organiser Ian Thorn is laying out the gameplan for how to blanket this riding, both by foot and by phone. We've received our donor and supporter list from provincial office, and as soon as Elections Canada opens the Returning Office, we should have an electors list as well. If you are interested in doing door-to-door or phone work (even if you've already mentioned it to me before), get in touch and I'll have Ian send your marching orders.
Picture on the Cover....The back cover of Mascaret, that is. Look for our first major ad next week as we get the back cover plus an article in one of the ridings most-read periodicals. Expect more ads over the course of the campaign. Thanks to Andrew and Gérard for their hard work on short notice.
Let's keep this party moving!A lot of the success we've had this week has been the direct result of your very generous donations over the last few months. But in order to keep the momentum we have, we are going to need more advertisements, more campaign materials, and more visibility. Unlike the other parties, we don't rely on corporate benefactors and we certainly don't have 10 Grand coming in from Alberta. This campaign relies solely on donations from individuals and small business. I sincerely hope you will consider joining our fight and contributing any way you are able in the coming weeks. Together we can win this riding!
I'll have more next week. In the meantime, let's keep the pressure on and show Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe why we're the party to watch this election!