Saturday, December 31, 2005

Picture-Rama Part II

Hey all,

Here's the remainder of the pictures:

Picture of me and Jack from the Breakthrough Conference in Ottawa (later that evening I had the privilege of introducing NB NDP Leader Allison Brewer to Jack for the first time).

Pictures from the Dec. 6th Memorial in Riverview.

Christmas in Cape Breton with Nanny and GrandDad (Sookie and Dave) LeBlanc.

Have a safe and Happy New Years!


Thursday, December 29, 2005

Year End "Picture-Rama"

Hey all,

I'm just packing up to head down to Saint John for my cousin's wedding, but I thought I'd end the year by putting up some photos that for one reason or another never made it onto the blog.

Enjoy and Happy New Year!

Provincial Executive Meeting in Miramichi last May

Dee Dee Daigle nominates me at the convention in June

Sebastien Bezeau seconds the nomination

My acceptance speech

Speaking at the Moncton and District Labour Council Picnic on Labour Day.

First on the Ballot!

Left: I share a smile with returning officer Ghislaine Ringuette Crawford (In the back: Al Daly, Leo Cassista and Ian Thorn)

Right: Cecile Cassista (Campaign Manager) signs on as a witness.

(Seems I've hit my pic limit for the day. I'll post the rest tomorrow)

Jack's Speech

Well, what was supposed to be a quiet holiday break is certainly generating a lot of news between the tragic shootings in Toronto, the RCMP investigation into Ralph Goodale, and the bizarre "blog attacks" on Jack and Olivia.

I thought I'd throw up a link to Jack's speech today that really puts things into perspective.

Jack Layton's Speech in Toronto



Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Season's Greetings!

Dear friends,

Just a quick note to wish all of you the happiest of Holidays and hoping that you get to spend a much needed break with family and loved ones.

I also wanted to thank everyone for the hard work that made "Phase 1" of this campaign a huge success. From the signs, to the media exposure, to the canvassing, we’ve really proved we are the party to watch in this campaign. It's been a terrific start!

A few "housekeeping" notices:

January is going to be very intense and in order to capitalise on our December momentum we’re going to need everyone rested and ready. If you haven’t done so, please contact Cecile, Ian or myself about any volunteer work you can perform for the rest of the campaign. We’re putting the schedule together over the break and want to make sure we’re using all of our resources to the best of our ability.

Also, please remember that contributions made before December 31st go towards this year’s taxes and those made afterwards go towards your 2006 filings. The other parties will be blitzing us hard and we still need your financial help to keep the pressure on with advertising, flyers and more campaign materials. If you are able to contribute sooner than later it will help us make important decisions that much earlier.

And remember money donated to the riding, stays in the riding. Please contact the office (or myself) about any contributions.

Have a great Holiday Break and we’ll see you all in the New Year!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Media Expsoure Notice!

Article by Charles Perry in today's Times Transcript on all three candidates.

Quoting our portion of it:

"New Democratic Party hopeful David Hackett, a test analyst with Whitehill Technologies, said his campaign headquarters is located in Wedgwood Centre at 1201 Mountain Rd. "I am very happy with the work our team has been doing. We have been campaigning all over the place and we were the first to get our signs out in the area."

He said he has got the jump on his two opponents, by being the first NDP candidate nominated in Canada and the first candidate of any stripe to be nominated in the Atlantic provinces.

As a result, Hackett said he has had the chance to visit a lot of homes. "We want to send out a strong message that we are very serious about winning this race and we have our organization in place. I think people are taking more notice of us this time around," he said.

However, they will be slowing down the campaigning during the Christmas week, said the NDP standard-bearer. "Our office will still be open, but we have no intention of aggressively knocking on people's doors and bothering them during the holidays. But we will be following the holidays with a big blitz in January."

Hackett said many of the electors are telling him that they are "very afraid" of losing their medicare and public health care. He said a large part of the reason there is a federal election, now, is that his party was trying to get assurance from the Liberal government that it would protect health care in Canada.

He has also heard a lot of interest from the people regarding the future of the Petitcodiac River, said the NDP hopeful. He said his party has thrown its support behind Option 4B, which is to remove the Causeway gates and have a new bridge built."

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Our First Celebrity Endorsement!

The Christmas Social was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks to the team for their hard work putting it together. Thanks also to the "Guy in Red" for giving his support to the NDP.

And to prove I didn't hog the big guy all afternoon, here's Brady and Abby getting in on some of the Santa action.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


(English version follows)

L'équipe électorale de David Hackett

« Faites connaissance avec votre candidat »

Dimanche 18 décembre - de 14 h à 16 h 30
au quartier général - 1201, ch. Mountain

Activité parrainée par l'Association néodémocrate de la circonscription de
Renseignements : 861-1180


David Hackett Campaign Team

"Get to Know Your Candidate "

Sunday afternoon December 18th - 2:00 to 4:30 PM
Campaign Head Quarters - 1201 Mountain Road

Sponsored by the Moncton, Riverview, Dieppe NDP Riding Association
For information call the Campaign Office at 861 1180
Refreshment will be served

Where's Dave this week?

Tuesday Dec. 13th - canvassing
Wednesday Dec 14th. - Canvassing and Volunteer Orientation.
Thursday Dec 15th. - Canvassing, Volunteer Orientation and Office move.
Friday Dec 16th. Canvassing
Saturday Dec 17th. Canvassing, Office decorating
Sunday Dec 18th. Office Open House from 2-4pm

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Day at the Market

Léopold Belliveau (former mayor of Moncton), David Hackett (NDP candidate for the Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe Riding), Bill Malenfant (former mayor of Dieppe) and former candidate Hélène Lapointe talk politics at the Dieppe Farmer's Market.

Léopold Belliveau (ex-maire de Moncton), David Hackett (candidat néo-démocrate pour la circonscription Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe), Bill Malenfant (ex-maire de Dieppe) et Hélène Lapointe (l'ancienne candidate) discutent de politique au Marché des fermiers de Dieppe.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Two Very Important Fans....

"I want to join Dave's party. Can I make my own signs too?"
- Chloe C. (age 3)

"Look Daddy! It's your sign again. They're everywhere. And they have colours like your friend Jack!"
-Abigail H. (age 3)

Where's Dave for the weekend?

I'll be at the Dieppe Market tomorrow from 9-11 and Again on Sunday (time TBA).

I'll also be canvassing through the weekend and the party will be doing drops of the budget flyers as well.

Saturday night I'll be a the Whitehill Staff Christmas party celebrating another great year in the software biz.

The Office is open!

We have our new space set up now. It's at the Wedgewood centre on 1201 Mountain Road. We're currently in smaller temporary space until Dec. 17th when we move to the much larger, front-facing office (expect an announcement soon on the "Grand Opening" of that space).

Office phone is 861-1180

The landlord has been great and the spot is awesome. My only regret is that the office is not wheelchair accessible. Unfortunately due to time and budget concerns we could not get a ground floor space secured. I promise that we will make every effort to accommodate everyone who wants to come in and talk to us.

And rest assured that when we set up our Constituency office in February, access won't be an issue.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Media Exposure Notices!

Global News tonight (Tuesday) @ 11:00 will be running a piece on the Memorial Service in Riverview for Violence against Women. I gave a sound byte that they may well use.

CBC Radio News did a spot on the Press Release (see previous post). It will be in the morning rotation.

Our Mascaret ad came out this morning as well as an article (of all the candidates profiled, ours was the only bilingual article).

Had a quick interview with News 91.9, expect to hear it in rotation sometime in the next 48 hours.

Whew. No wonder I'm tired tonight!

Press Release

Here' s a copy of the Press Release that went out today regarding the Campaign.....


December 6th 2005 - Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe NDP Candidate David Hackett was first out of the gates last week in the race to determine who will represent the riding in the next Parliament of Canada. In addition to having his signs in place around the riding well ahead of his opponents, he was also the first NDP candidate to be confirmed by Elections Canada in the entire country and the first candidate from any party to be confirmed anywhere in Atlantic Canada.

“We wanted to come out strong and show the people of Moncton, Riverview and Dieppe that we’re serious about winning this riding,” said Hackett. “I’m very fortunate to have such a well-organised and exceptional team behind me. It really shows this is a party out to get results, and I think that will resonate with a lot of voters.”

Hackett has begun to canvass the riding and expects to be out on the doorsteps until the week before Christmas, when his team will break for the holidays and prepare for the big January push.

“It’s important to get visible early. Both of my opponents will be funneling a lot of money into this riding, so we have to counter that with good old-fashioned hard work. We have to be out talking to people and on the phones getting our message out.”

Hackett likes his chances in the contest, and is determined to keep the momentum going until E-Day.

“People are tired of broken promises from the Liberals and wrong ideas from the Conservatives. The NDP is about getting results and once voters are turned on to that, I believe you’ll see a big surge of support in the riding.”

A Day of Sad Reflection

14 names you should think about when you talk with your wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, familes and friends today.

Genevieve Bergeron
Nathalie Croteau
Anne-Marie Edward
Maryse Laganiere
Anne-Marie Lemay
Michele Richard
Annie Turcotte
Helene Colgan
Barbara Daigneault
Maud Haviernick
Maryse LeClair
Sonia Pelletier
Annie St-Arneault
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz

Be sure and light a candle today.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Where's Dave this week?

A quick look at the tentative schedule for the week:

Monday Dec 5th. Canvassing (location TBA)

Tuesday Dec 6th. Candlelight Vigil at Riverview's Caseley Park to commenerate victims of Violence against Women.

Wednesday Dec 7th, Canvassing (location TBA) & Office opening.

Thursday Dec 8th. -
Canvassing (location TBA) & Executive Meeting.

Friday Dec 9th - Canvassing (location TBA)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Interesting news

No, not the Liberal nomination (we knew the outcome of that before it started).

I am officially the first NDP Candidate in all of Canada to be confirmed for this election. I'm also the first Candidate from any party anywhere in this Province, let alone this riding, to have been confirmed.

More evidence of our tremendous momentum!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Coming out of the Gates Strong!

Hello Everyone,

What an absolutely incredible first week it's been! Signs are up, ads and pamphlets are on the way, and very shortly we'll have some new office space to talk about. This campaign, like this party, are on the move and it's because of the contributions all of you have made.

Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs....

Those of you in the area don't need to be told that signs are up and very visible throughout the riding. George, Elmo, Ian and Leo worked especially hard all week and it's made a huge impact. I'm already getting lots of great feedback and we are, to date, the only party with sign presence in the area. It shows that we're serious and on top of our game.

Beyond the road signs, I still have many "Jack Layton and the New Brunswick Team" Window signs, available in both languages. Please contact me if you can use them and get them displayed in a public window somewhere.

These Boots are made for Walking....

The canvas team is firing up it's cylinders, and Canvass organiser Ian Thorn is laying out the gameplan for how to blanket this riding, both by foot and by phone. We've received our donor and supporter list from provincial office, and as soon as Elections Canada opens the Returning Office, we should have an electors list as well. If you are interested in doing door-to-door or phone work (even if you've already mentioned it to me before), get in touch and I'll have Ian send your marching orders.

Picture on the Cover....

The back cover of Mascaret, that is. Look for our first major ad next week as we get the back cover plus an article in one of the ridings most-read periodicals. Expect more ads over the course of the campaign. Thanks to Andrew and Gérard for their hard work on short notice.

Let's keep this party moving!

A lot of the success we've had this week has been the direct result of your very generous donations over the last few months. But in order to keep the momentum we have, we are going to need more advertisements, more campaign materials, and more visibility. Unlike the other parties, we don't rely on corporate benefactors and we certainly don't have 10 Grand coming in from Alberta. This campaign relies solely on donations from individuals and small business. I sincerely hope you will consider joining our fight and contributing any way you are able in the coming weeks. Together we can win this riding!

I'll have more next week. In the meantime, let's keep the pressure on and show Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe why we're the party to watch this election!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Media Exposure Alert!

The Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe NDP will be featured in the second story on tonight's "Live at 5" on ATV. There will be a few sound clips from me and shots of our intrepid "sign team" (George, Ian, Leo and Elmo) in action as we talk about the challenges of a winter campaign.

Live at 5 Site

Great exposure on the first day of the campaign!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Statement on the Restoration of the Petitcodiac -

The following is the letter I submiited to the Times Transcript following the information meeting on the EIA. They chose not to print it.

I would like to extend a large thanks to the people at AMEC Earth & Environmental Ltd., for hosting the EIA public hearings this past weekend at Riverview high. It was a highly informative session and I feel there was a fair and civilised exchange of ideas. When dealing with an issue as large as the Petitcodiac River it is important to gather as much information as possible, and this meeting was certainly conductive to that end (and what a shame that the number of public figures expressing views on the matter this week chose not to attend).

One of the most important ideas put forth during the session was that in order to have a “safe and successful” implementation, there will need to be a lot of work done before the gates can be opened. This would include refurbishing the dyke and aboiteaux system upstream, securing the landfill site against a catastrophic event, and reinforcing the riverbank and causeway structure. It’s important to note that many of these steps will be necessary even if the project doesn’t go through. This process, already factored into project costs, would take at least a year to complete.

I feel this timeframe provides a great opportunity to address the issue of water quality coming from the sewage treatment plant. One of the concerns raised at the meeting was the flow of effluent upstream during high tide. The study claims that the increased water volume and flow of the river would mitigate this problem, but not everyone in attendance was in total agreement with this.

Given the time it will take for “Stage One” to complete, why not also look at upgrading the plant to have secondary treatment capability during this period? Regardless of which option is selected, or even if the status quo is maintained (though that course is certainly not recommended), the public good (and health) can only be served by an upgrade of the treatment facility. That, combined with a project option like 4B, would provide for a truly revitalized river system this community so deeply deserves"

Monday, October 24, 2005

Day on the Hill



Group Photo

Me at my future place of work

Make Poverty History Rally

Setting up

More NDP MPs means Making Poverty History

Team NB

Jack's Speech


The Speech

Jack & Alexa

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Team NB

John Carty

Neil Gardner & Rob Moir




Thursday, October 20, 2005

Gala Dinner

Me & Jack Before Dinner

Nan Luke and Allison Brewer

Neil Gardner, Me, Rob Moir and Alice Finnemore

Alice, Regina, Lyndsey

Lyndsey & Lukes

Shirley Douglas

Forums and Speeches

Earlier this month I had the exciting oppourtunity to attend the NDP "Breakthrough Conference" in Ottawa. This was a weekend of workshops and networking for all of the nominated NDP candidates as well as the Election planning Committess from the different provinces. The following few posts will walk through what I experienced over the course of the weekend and hopefully give a good feel for what it was like to be there.

Opening remarks (Libby Davies)

The above picture is from the welcome speech by Libby Davies, MP for Vancouver East (pictured at the podium). There was certainly nobody better suited to pump up a crowd of bleary-eyed travelers first thing on a Saturday morning than Libby. Her infectious enthusiasm won the crowd over early and soon enough the room was electric with optimism as Libby rattled off the great accomplishments the party has made in the past twelve months and the idea that we were now a part of the team that was going to continue getting results in the next Parliament. It was going to be a great weekend.

Protecting and Enhancing Canadian Culture Panel
[left to right: Dorothy Henault (filmmaker), Jo-anne Dousel
(Candidate for Palliser SK), James Missen (Canadian Conference of the Arts)]

The First Day was broken up into three policy discussion breakouts, each with three forums to choose from. The first Breakout was under the theme of "Strengthening Canada". For my forum I chose to attend "Protecting and Enhancing Canadian Culture". The panel covered a very broad range of topics relating to the Arts and artists' role in this country.

Some topics discussed:

  • Artists need to be recognised as workers in this country. A great many artists are self-employed, live well below the poverty line and have little to nothing in terms of economic security. There was discussion about ways to improve the working conditions of most artists such as coverage under EI and tax reform relating to professional artist's equipment and supplies.
  • The need for the party to develop a more concrete cultural policy within our platform
  • The need for a stronger CBC, both in regards to regional coverage and fostering and supporting Canadian talent.
  • The difficulties facing Canadian film, especially in regards to getting cinema play as well as securing the financing necessary.

As you can imagine, each of these topics took on a much larger life of their own as the panel progressed (and even afterwards: I sought out Dorothy Henault later in the day to talk further about making regionalism work in terms of both the CBC and the television and film industry in general).

Paul Summerville

The next session was on "Building the 21st Century Economy" and was kicked off by Paul Summervile (candidate for St. Paul's ON). Paul is an economist and former analyst for RBC Dominion. He gave a fascinating speech (read it here) on the marriage of Prosperity and Social Justice, outlining how the NDP's policies will lead to a better economy and more just society (and how the two goals are not mutually exclusive, but in fact linked). Paul is one of several economists (such as Fundy Royal candidate Rob Moir) who have joined our party, recognising that our fiscal policy is not only sound, but superior to the other parties. It's fair to say the public perception has never favoured us in terms of our economic ability, often portraying us as fiscally irresponsible or even more dangerous. That's a myth that we intend to dispel in the public arena, with people like Paul leading the way.

Another picture of Paul

Building the 21st Century Economy: Post-Secondary Education and Training

[left to right: Nathan Cullen (MP Skeena-Bulkey Valley), Pat Martin
(MP Winnipeg Centre), unknown forum attendee and Kelly Bickford (Candidate Red Deer)]

My chosen panel for the second forum was "Post-Secondary Education and Training" (Not surprisingly, the most popular choice) . The panel was quite lively and a lot of it focused on workshopping ideas for improving access to education and articulating what our clear "30 second" message should be when discussing eductaion.

Pat Martin also gave a facinating talk on Trades Training and the vital role it plays in our society. He stressed how Canada has fallen behind the rest of the world in regards to the number of Apprenticeship programs it offers and he also talked about the social stigma that we have to work hard to reverse when dealing with skilled trades people (he told a humorous story about how when he was a Journeyman carpenter and rode the bus to work he's get sneered at by some kid in a business suit. PAt was clearing 45K in his trade while the kid was a junior clerk, barely making 20).

Moving Canada Forward

Ed Broadbent

The final seesion of the day was entitled "Moving Canda Forward" and was kicked-off with probably the most anticipated event of the day, a speech from Ed Broadbent. Ed, as usual, didn't dissapoint. He laid out his seven point paln to bring ethics back into Canadian politics. It was a firey speech, bursting with brilliant ideas for reform that is so desperately needed. You can read the text of it in the link below:

Ed's Speech

Cities and Communities

[left to right: Nette Wiebe (Candidate Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar), David Christopherson (MP Hamilton Centre) and Denis Bevington (Candidate Western Arctic)]

Teh final panel I attended for the day was "Cities and Communities", where perspectives were given from three different Canadian "Communites", starting with Nette Wiebe who discussed rural challenges for the party, followed by David Christopherson who discussed how party policy affected municipalities and finally Denis Bevington filled us all in on the problems facing Northern communities.

As a side note, I seemed to bump into Denis everywhere I went all weekend. He's a really great guy who works so hard for his riding and has such a huge geographical area to conquer that it's truly staggering. He missed being elected by fewer than 200 votes last time. This time he's sure to go over the top and become our first Northern MP. Go Denis!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Me and Jack at the New Brunswick NDP Leadership Convention Posted by Picasa

Hello and Welcome to my internet blog!